Helps relieve tension and stress, relaxing and improving skin texture
Full body
Back and neck
Detoxifying Massage
To help detoxify, re-energise and relax you.
Full body, scalp and face
Leg Massage
A detoxifying massage helps reduce swollen ankles and help relieve tired, heavy, restless legs
Infra-red Deep Heat Treatment
Warms and relaxes body tissue, ease away aches and pains, lovely to be incorporated within a full body or back massage
Body Toning
To tone muscles to help reshape your body (lose inches)
Male Grooming
All the above massages available as well as
Wax Works
Half Leg
Full Leg
Under Arm
Full Arm
Wax Package
Half Leg, Bikini and Underarm
For Your Eyes
Eyebrow Shape
Eyebrow Reshape
*Eyelash Tint
*Eyebrow Tint
*Eyelash Perm
*Eye Package
Brow Shape, lash and brow tinting.
Su-do Spray Tanning
Su-do Spray Body Tanning